1) Why are young plants more responsive to Elite Green?
Younger tissues have more active transport mechanisms to move nutrients to sites of metabolic activity. Foliar application is most successful is this context.
2) Can Elite Green increase brix levels?
Yes. Enhanced carbohydrate production can be detected with a refractometer within 24 – 48 hours (increased quality and yield). If you increase the Brix levels you increase the sugar content of the plant which in turn tastes better to the animal or produces a higher yielding crop.
3) Does Elite Green improve root growth?
Yes, Elite Green has been shown to be most effective for promoting root growth as well as overall plant health.
4) How many applications does of Elite Green before I see increased root growth?
It may take up to three applications to achieve sufficient concentration in the roots to allow 20 – 30% of Elite Green to be transported up to the shoots and leaves i.e. you will always see root growth before shoot growth when top dressing Elite Green.
5) Can Elite Green increase water holding capacity?
Yes, the water molecules become more organized and arranged like fragments of ice structure. The water gains the desirable properties of “melted water” improving plant nutrition.
6) How does Elite Green work for drought resistance.
The large surface area and internal electrical charges help hold water in the root zone. Elite Green’s properties let it serve as a sponge which can hold 7 times its volume in water. That stored water also facilitates nutrient transfer.
7) How does Elite Green protect the plant against harmful pathogens?
When a potential plant pathogen releases enzymes designed to break down the plants defenses, the pathogens enzymes become bound to Elite Green. As a result, the pathogens are unable to invade the potential host plants.
8) Can Elite Green protect against rapid climatic changes?
Yes, the insulating properties of Elite Green help maintain a more uniform soil temperature, especially during cold spells and heat waves. Because water binds to Elite Green soil moisture is less likely to be released into the atmosphere.
9) How does Elite Green help reduce my N P K input rates?
When adequate amounts of Elite Green are present in the soil the requirement for N P K fertilizer applications is reduced. This is achieved by Elite Green’s ability to hold these major plant nutrients in a molecular form which reduces their solubility in water. These binding processes reduce leaching nitrogen into the subsoil and help prevent volatilization into the atmosphere.
10) Can you combine Elite Green with liquid N P K?
Yes. In our field trials and University studies have shown that when you combine Elite Green with liquid N P K you can reduce your application rates by 25%-30%.
11) Can you combine Elite Green with liquid Herbicides?
Yes. In fact, we have also seen the ability to reduce herbicide inputs by 25%-30%. When the two are mixed and are sprayed over top of the plant, Elite Green goes to work on the cellular level. It helps permeate the plants cell wall and allow the plant to uptake more herbicide than it normally would. Thus, resulting in a quicker and more effective control of weeds.
12) Could Elite Green help control Glyphosate resistance weeds?
Yes. While it will not provide 100% control. We have seen in our field trials that with the addition of Elite Green to glyphosate can control 85%-90% of Glyphosate resistance weeds.
- The weed we were controlling was Glyphosate resistant (Amaranth or Pigweed ranging from 18 inches to 48 inches tall).
- These weeds were in a Soybean Field that had been planted in Beans for 5 years in a row.
The trial was done with two applications of Glyphosate and Elite Green a week apart at a rate of (32oz/acre Glyphosate and 32oz/acre of Elite Green each application).